In one early dawn after the Al Subhi pray , one of the makmum at the mosque , “Right now , if switch of the air conditioning system , it is very hard to sleep , but if we switch on the air conditioning system , we will have a pain joint whenever wake up in the morning” .
While looking for a relief method , an Englishman who has renown as the finest wood – engraving exponents , Thomas Bewick ( 1753 – 1828 ) , has transformed his exquisite studies and bird watching into engraved and cutting art , complete with flat leather bag and filled with sand . This is one of the way to get a relief in addition with to discuss your problem with somebody else . Discussion is one of the method to release your tense . There is no point to keep the problem inside your mind . The Most Best way to discuss your problem is to discuss it with our ALLAH The Almighty God Rabiul Jalil Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala, as ALLAH is The Most Heard , no others can compare ALLAH The Most Hearing .
According to ISLAM AND KARMA ( http : // ) , the karmic philosophy’s concept of destiny is a highly erroneous one . Karma comprises the results of everything we have done of our own free will . Everyone inherits karma of this kind . As we see from the above description , in the karmic philosophy there is no place for trust in one’s destiny .
It is ALLAH The Almighty God Rabiul Jalil Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala , Who , before we are born , decides a person’s destiny , Who prepares everything that happens to us , Who determines what these events will be and what kind of life we will have . In Al Suratul Al Hadid , verses 22 ,
“Nothing occurs , No disaster strikes upon the earth or among yourselves except that it is in aregister before WE ( ALLAH The Almighty God Rabiul Jalil Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala )
make it happen . Verily, that is something easy for ALLAH The Almighty God Rabiul
Jalil Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala.”
The idea of fate implies that ALLAH The Almighty God Rabiul Jalil Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala creates all events , both past and future , in a single moment .
Time will be needed for us to read this note . It is essential to understand this . Our lives are like a film recorded on video . Every moment in the life of every person who has ever lived and who will ever live in this world, from the time when they are a fetus in the womb until the day they die , has been predetermined by ALLAH The Almighty God Rabiul Jalil Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala and is already known to Him ( ALLAH The Almighty God Rabiul Jalil Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala ) .
Everything that has happened in the past and whatever will happen in the future is already a reality with ALLAH The Almighty God Rabiul Jalil Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala . As we cannot change our past , we also cannot change our future . Everything that is going to happen to us , when and where we will eat and what that food will be , who we will talk to , how much we will earn , what illnesses we will get , and when , where and how we will eventually die , all these things have already been decided on and cannot be altered as they already exist in ALLAH The Almighty God Rabiul Jalil Subhanah knowledge as completed events .
It is absolutely unnecessary for us to feel sorrow over the things that happen to us , to worry and to feel concerned or fearful because of them , neither is it wise for us to do so . When a person has an accident on the way to a meeting or an interview that he thinks could change the course of his life and misses the meeting as a result , he may suddenly despair and see what has befallen him as a misfortune . But all these complaints are in vain , everything , the exact second at which he will leave the house that day , the route he will take , the means of transport he will use to get there , which other vehicle will be involved in the accident and who will be in it , has already been decided on by ALLAH The Almighty God Rabiul Jalil Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala before he is born . People who see the things that happen to them as misfortunes and who become angry , fearful and sorrowful as a result are only oppressing themselves , allowing themselves to be worn down by things they have no power to change and as a result they experience tension . In Al Suratul Al An Nahl , verses 30 ,
“When those who guard against evil are asked , “What did your Lord ( ALLAH The Almighty God Rabiul Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala ) send down ?” their reply is , “ That which is good ” There is good in this world for those who do good , and the home of the Hereafter ( Al Akhiratullah Al Qiamatullah ) is better . How wonderful is the abode of those who guard against evil .”
We are told of the reward that will be received after their lives on earth by those who believe that everything that comes to them from ALLAH The Almighty God Rabiul Jalil Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala has a good purpose . Many people pretend not to understand the realities of the decree, saying to themselves , " If everything is decreed , we need not do anything about it " , and in this way they try to prove to themselves that it is impossible to believe in one's destiny . The reason people say this is that it is part of their destiny to do so , although they do not realise this .
As part of the test ALLAH The Almighty God Rabiul Jalil Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala has created for us in this life on Earth , has made it possible for us to experience everything we do as being done by our own will . Let suppose an author were to give up writing it , saying to himself , " Since this book has already been written , if it is fated that it should be so , I need not do anything at all " . This would be as ignorant as hearing someone knock at the door and failing to get up and open it , thinking , " If the person outside is fated to come in , they will come in anyway " . The truth of the matter is that everything we experience have been decreed by ALLAH The Almighty God Rabiul Jalil Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala as part of our destiny . In Al Suratul Al Anfal , verses 17 ,
“You did not kill them , but it was ALLAH The Almighty God Rabiul Jalil Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala who killed them . And you did not throw , but ALLAH The Almighty God Rabiul Jalil Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala threw , so He ( ALLAH The Almighty God Rabiul Jalil Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala ) might test the believers with a good test . ALLAH The Almighty God Rabiul Jalil Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala is All Most Hearing , All Most Knower .”
According to , such studies on brain memoy storage has been done and monitored in a large groups of neighbouring cells and has identified many of the functions of the brain cells of the Cortex and Hippocampus . Don’t let our kids wake up us . This attitude will be stored both in their permanent and temporary mind , they will have an example and self confident which lead to a bad motivation . According to Professor Dr. H.M.Tuah Iskandar Al Haj , a handsome and an awesome man is a man who can be a pillar and a strength to the family .
In a FOUR PILLARS OF MAN’S HEART, written by Lou Whitworth , Probe Ministries of Uleadership( ) , states that masculinity rests on four pillars . As wee look at our society, it is clear that we are in trouble . It takes four sturdy , balanced pillars to hold up a building.
Why is our civilization falling down around us ? Gender is primarily an issue of theology . Gender is at the heart of creation . Gender is central to the glory of God , ALLAH The Almighty Rabiul Jalil Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala .
Remember that God , ALLAH The Almighty Rabiul Jalil Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala , created a mankind as male and female to be lived and prospered the world . His ( ALLAH The Almighty God Rabiul Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala ) relationship with mankind is exactly as a relationship between ALLAH The Almighty Creator and human being the creation .
The first pillars started to be tested a long time ago . One of the purpose of Al Quranul Al Qarim is to point the way for men to become all they should be so that they and their wives and children can flourish in an often hostile world . What kind of man builds a civilization , a small civilization that outlives him ? A four – pillared man
A Man Of Vision And Character = A KING
A Man Of Strength And Power = A WARRIOR
A Man Of Faith And Wisdom = A MENTOR
A Man Of Heart And Loved = A FRIENDWhen we talked about cat , several cats love to come by to certain home even though that home not belong to the cats’ owner . In front of this home , there are two bamboo trees grown up . A bird make a nest for it’s home at the bamboo trees .
In , Nest is defined as a place of refuge to hold an animals’ eggs and / or provide a place to live or raise an offspring . Most species of birds build some sort of nest , though some lay their eggs directly onto rock ledges or bare soil without first modifying the area . Some birds will build nests in trees , some ( such as vultures , eagles , and many seabirds like Kittiwakes ) will build them on rocky ledges and other nests on the ground or in burrows .
We can have a relief when we do the Bird Watching , especially to those birds which have been given a knowledge from ALLAH The Almighty God Rabiul Jalil Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala , to build their nest in front of our views , to grow their offspring . Hence , for those who have an missereable moment , do the Bird Watching , do the Cat Watching , Insya Allah , with the permission of ALLAH The Almighty God Rabiul Jalil Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala , you will gain a relief .
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