It is August 31st , 1957
Independence Day of Malaysia
Independence of the Federation Of Malaya from British Colonial
It is in the month of Eight or August in Fifty Seven or 1957
Independence ! Freedom ! Independence !
It is an Independence !
Malaysia is a country in South East Asia
Strategic sea lane position brought trade and foreign
Fundamental influenced Malaysia history .
It will be recorded as our History .
It is August 31st , 1957
In 1511 , Malacca Empire was captured and defeated by the Portuguese Colonial
Marking the beginning and starting of European and Western incursions and colonialism
The defeated and humiliated suffered by Malacca Empire marked and stated as Malaya Colonialism .
Great Britain’s discredited and over threw Prime Minister ( PM ) Lord Anthony Eden , resigns in January 09th , 1957
It is a Noble and Amazing day .
Instead of being an inspiration and Beauty of the Nation
Certain Malaysian has disgraced and coward their noble and dignity Nation and Race .
It is a Happiest and Most Beautiful day for Malaysia .
Celebrate and Outstand the Interesting and Cheerful day with a Delightful and Precious Spirit and Jumbo and Delightful Soul .
Escape and Independence to another time and challenge
Place and position for a Delightful and Kind Independence and Freedom at Malaysia and Malaysian heart .
These are added and Excel mainly for the benefit and Luxury of the new and Independence Malaysia and Malaysian .
Let all of us and Malaysian , the Citizens and Peoples .
Today we and Malaysian are still view and treat each other as Malay and Non – Malay , Chinese or Chinese Mixture , Indian and Mamaks , Sikh or Non – Sikh , Serani or Asia Asia Serani , Kadazan and Bumiputera , Dayak or Non – Dayak , and so on .
Together and Forever celebrate and Fabulous the Independence and Freedom day .
Independence ! Freedom !
Independence and freedom are also about being separated and independence from rule and govern of a Discredited and Non – Great authority and colonial .
People and Public love and Excel the underdog and Harmony .
Thirty first , 31st , month of eight or August , year Fifty seven , 1957 .
It is a Noble and Interesting day where my Nation and my Malaysia Independence in Joyful and Freedom for Kindness .
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